FREE CONSULTATION The initial consultation with your Traditional Bavarian Event Planner consultant is free. So send an
e-mail and let's get started creating your memorable event.
Please e-mail us some information, e.g.:
-your name -where
can we reach you by phone during the day? -who else can we contact if you are not available? -where can we reach that
person by phone during the day? -where can we email you information -do you have a date set for your event? -if
yes, when is the event? -where will the event be held? -please tell us about the people who will attend the presentation
-tell us what kind of program you would like the speaker to deliver -do you have a speaker or type of speaker in mind,
someone that
you would like to get more information on? -can you give
us a little more information that will make it very easy to help
and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Please click here to contact us