"Gemuetlichkeit" (the Bavarian form of comfort) and "Gaudi" (fun, jamboree) are the two most important
words at the Oktoberfest.
A Bavarian band plays music.

Waitresses that could easily knock out any female body builder have to fight off sometimes overanxious customers and doze
their way through howling and swaying crowds fully loaded with at least 5 Mass (Liter mug) in each hand. These often well
endowed ladies will not hesitate using all their attributes to help balance the 40 to 60 pounds of foaming brew through the
long and treacherous iles.

Inside or outside - Oktoberfest is pure fun

Learn to sing "The Waltzing Mathilda"

Oktoberfest Beergarden is not only a place to drink, it's the incarnation of Bavarian lifestyle. Listen to music or sing
yourself, or just watch.

Participants gather for song and dance (here the Chicken-Dance)

"Schuh Plattler" Dance

This could be YOU: The famous "O'ZAPFT IS" (it's been tapped): the "Boss" (in Munich the Mayor) always
taps the first keg of beer: the Oktoberfest gets the go ahead. His or her ability to tap the keg without spraying the
press and himself/herself ensures an important respect, we believe that some not so bavarian mayors engaged in major training
to avoid being ridiculed by a very observant crowd.